Ryde 135 Barn Quilt TrailHome Page

Economy & Telephone

Economic Conditions

To subscribers: We are now badly in want of firewood and parties who agree to pay their subscriptions in wood will oblige by bringing it at once. We are also willing to take Potatoes, Turnips, and other Vegetables as well as Beef and Pork in payment of subscriptions.
Canadian Post November 25, 1861

Complaints of dullness in trade are almost universal. Farmers throughout the District will experience a very hard winter owing to the short crops and the dullness in the lumber trade. Tax collectors in some of the townships find it difficult collecting the rate, especially where comparatively heavy expenses have recently been incurred in connection with schools.
Orillia Packet January 5, 1877


Ryde Council – The following By-Laws were read and passed…to establish a Municipal Telephone System in the Township of Ryde.
Gravenhurst Banner May 11, 1922

Housey’s Rapids column: The work of cleaning out the brush for the Bell telephone Line is expected to be completed this week. Quite a number of new poles have been erected.
Orillia Packet and Times October 1, 1954